Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Period Four: Post your Gossip #5 annotation (citation+summary+analysis) here


  1. Cole, Jennifer M., and Hannah Scrivener. "Short Term Effects of Gossip Behavior on Self-Esteem." N.p., 10 Aug. 2013. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

    Gossip has recently become a social activity in all age groups that is considered to be an important aspect in communication despite its frequent negative effects. Research shows that gossip’s short term effects has positive and negative influences on the person who is sharing the rumor. Although the gossipers are aware of the negatives of gossiping they still do not stop because they believe that having an higher status among peers is more important. In addition, the self-esteem of the gossiper decreases after sharing negative rumors about someone, but when sharing a positive rumor there was no effect on the gossiper. This is a suitable article for anyone who is researching this topic, but contains higher-level vocabulary. One weakness in this article is the use of old research on this topic. For example, the information is from the early Sixties to late Nineties. This article is a compilation of other old articles that could contain information that is outdated.

    1. "an higher status" should probably be fixed. Also, if the articles are outdated, are you sure the information is still accurate?

    2. Why would the self-esteem of one who gossips decrease when sharing negative rumors wouldn't that happen to the one being gossiped about?

    3. You topic is not completely clear to me??

    4. Are there any biases in the article?

    5. You didn't mention if the article was biased or not.

    6. "they still do not stop" those words are a little confusing.

    7. Is the first sentence of your analysis your intended age group?

    8. Nice use of transition words, try to add a cause and effect in your summary

  2. Ingram, Gordon P. D. "From Hitting To Tattling To Gossip: An Evolutionary Rationale For The Development Of Indirect Aggression."Evolutionary Psychology 12.2 (2014): 343-363. Academic Search Elite. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.

    This article is about aggression, and how it starts at a young age. Whether it be physical aggression, or social aggression, it is still bad either way. This can turn into gossip, if someone has aggression towards someone, and can merely hurt them even though it is not physical. Any aggression can be physical, or social, and may turn into gossip at some point. It covers what the true consequences are for having aggression. This would be a good article for people in college. There were no biases used in this article.

    1. You mentioned how it wasn't biased, but it wasn't specific on why it wasn't biased.

    2. Elaborate more on your analysis.

    3. You seem to repeating the same idea. Also, could you explain your analysis more like Andrew said?

    4. Try to add more details. The bibliography should probably be longer.

    5. It seems a little short maybe you can elaborate more on how it actually leads to gossip.

    6. your summary should be atleast 100 characters and your analysis should be no more than 70

    7. add more to your analysis

    8. I agree with Katie, try to more analysis...strengths, weaknesses, intended audience.

  3. Coleman, Loren. "Cryptozoology A to Z." Cryptozoology A to Z. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    Cryptozoology is a relatively new and unpopular term that means the science of hidden or unknown animals. There are cryptozoologists that are very enthusiastic about the topic and agree that there are many qualifications animals should have to be considered part of this category. They have to be capable of mystification and if found, killed or captured. Cryptozoology keeps alive the tradition of discovery and recognition of new species of animals. Something about the animals should be unexpected and interesting. This article is written for anyone who is interested in the topic and is an introduction to a book about cryptozoology. The introduction clarifies what it is and gives background information you need to know before reading the book. There are no biases in the book but there should have been a little less facts about cryptozoologists and more facts about the animals.

    1. What about gossip?

    2. How exactly does this work with gossip?

    3. As Andrew said, you should include how it connects to gossip and the spread of rumors.

    4. What exactly is cryptozoology?

    5. Like Julia said, it would be a good idea to include why cryptozoology is.

    6. explain how cryptozoology is part of gossip

    7. what is the main idea of the article?

    8. not sure how this connects to gossip??

    9. I think you repeated a lot of the same ideas and your analysis was not elaborate enough and didn't give the reader a good amount to tell whether they should read it or not.

    10. try to add a cause and effect in your summary.

  4. Miller, Dan E. "“Snakes in the Greens” and Rumor in the Innercity." The Social Science Journal 29.4 (1992): 381-93. Web.

    This summary discusses an excerpt from the whole section. The summary is about Rumors and Urban Legends section.
    This article tells of both rumors and urban legends, and their connection to one another. The article gives both professional’s thoughts about urban legends and professional’s thought on rumors. The article also discusses the fact that both can be used as an aid to society. The author uses examples of previous writers who wrote of the same topic. An urban legend is created to provide people a warning system. A rumor is created to allow people to see a better outcome, or make themselves feel better. Rumors can be used as a way to get information in small towns or anywhere. [Both the rumor and urban legends can change over time; this is one of the examples given that links rumors and urban legends to one another.] The article was written for academic purposes. The author gives multiple examples of urban legends and provides the reader with enough information to see the similarities and differences between the two.

    1. Could you explain a little more on how this ties in with gossip?

    2. Does the article have any weaknesses?

    3. Are there any biases in the article?

    4. there is some repeating of your words in the second an third line.

    5. Articles intended audience can help add detail to your annotation

    6. Did you include whether there is any biases?

    7. I think this is good but you should add more of your opinion about the article in the analysis part

    8. What is the connection between rumors and urban legends ?

    9. Is there any weaknesses in article?

  5. Farley, Sally D. "Is Gossip Power? The Inverse Relationships between Gossip, Power, and Likability." European Journal of Social Psychology41.5 (2011): 574-79. Web.

    Researchers believe that gossip is the main way of social understanding. Not only that, many believe that gossip is how cultural difference are transferred around the world. Many researchers are interested in the topic of gossip and how it affects modern society’s hierarchy. There are investigations in progress that are looking into a further meaning of gossipers contact with others. These gossipers are seen as the keyholder of recent and big events, causing others to become attracted to the mysteries of the job and seek the same treatment. Creating gossip and gossipers.

    This article presents a great understanding of the subject. It presents many developed examples of their research, all that had positive results. When looking for a journal using studies of the subject this would be a great example. The age group is most likely College student to adult. They use many in depth topics that are difficult to understand.

    1. Sentences 2 into 3 could use more flow

    2. The title is important it states the main ideas of the article make sure your addressing them.

    3. It feels a little like a list of your ideas like Andrew said make it flow a little bit better

    4. Are there any weaknesses or biases in the article?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. It doesn't flow very well, try to make it sound better.

    7. Ashleigh does have a point. Could you explain the weaknesses, if there are any?

    8. I found some small spelling errors you may want to look at.

    9. To make it flow you can try and use transition words.

    10. I agree with Kalare, try to use transition words to make it flow better

  6. Riegel, Henriette. "Soap Operas and Gossip." The Journal of Popular Culture 29.4 (1996): 201-09. Web.

    “Soap Operas and Gossip” is an article written by Henriette Riegel, showing how soap operas are on when convenient and show their viewers what they want to see; the characters performing real life tasks but unrealistically perfect. Riegel shows this through a series of examples from review on television shows like Dallas, where the reviews are generally negative and shows how there are different levels on television gossip. Riegel then goes into the fact that television, which shows the soap operas, is becoming an important part of women's everyday lives, which then refers back to the main idea . This article had many good examples, used from different reviews, instead of using a single example. Written most likely for college students, this article clearly shows how in soap operas, three different levels of gossip can be seen. This text is bias on a certain degree as the author states that television shows that are popular to women are the ones that have drama and are soap operas.

    1. don't use any specific examples try to use an overall catagory

    2. Are there any weaknesses that should be mentioned?

    3. Can you add a cause and effect to your summary?

    4. Maybe you could fix your first sentence by splitting it into two sentences.

    5. Make it two paragraphs.

    6. Perhaps you could split this into multiple paragraphs so it's easier to read and understand?

    7. In your first sentence you don't have to mention the author or the article title because the citation is already above it.

    8. try to get rid of the author in your first sentence of your summary.

  7. Triggs, Charlotte. "Campus Controversy." People 69.14 (2008): 107-08. Web.

    The years where people witness the most gossip and rumors would be through high school and college. Information spreading from person to person was the original form of spreading rumors, but with the new age in technology websites have been created specifically for college students to post these rumors for all to see. Many of the students at various universities were actively posting and viewing these websites. Many different cases involving serious effects from these rumors have become noticeable. One of which a female sophomore at Baylor University was called numerous names. This female, Amanda Walden spoke out and threatened to hire an investigator to find who was postings these rumors. The person behind the computer screen turned out to be a close friend of the Amanda’s. This website is destroying friendships, reputations, and the appeal of universities.

    This article reaches out to anyone working or attending a university or college. This is shown through the article’s examples. The article recognizes multiple universities and also states parents complaining to universities because of these websites. This article also only shows multiple negative occurrences, this website does not seem like a good idea going forward for most universities. With these new websites taking over universities it has a negative effect on the students attending and the universities reputation.

    1. the last sentence of the annalsis I think should be a part of the summary

    2. Use a large category instead of a specific example.

    3. include the intended audience in your annotation

    4. What were the websites that you were talking about? Could you give an example?

    5. For annotations, no names should be specified. (ex: Amanda)

    6. Did you talk about bias in your analysis

    7. You don't have to include the specific example, unless that is the bulk of the article or is the only example.

  8. Koul, Scaachi. "Office Gossip." Canadian Business 87.10 (2014): 28. Academic Search Elite. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    This article talks about office gossip and how it is not just about two colleagues talking about another colleague its about the information spread about the workplace that helps the company. The author talks about how in a work environment that there could be rumours spread that could help a workplace. Through the good type of gossip people make connections between the people they work with and how they could be either be helping the company or making it worse. The author also says that the other type of gossip is also used in an office but it is used to hurt peoples feelings and it does nothing to help the company.

    This is a great article to use for things revolving around work gossip. It does not give too many examples on what the people specifically say. But it does give a great understanding of what you would think they would say. I would say the good age group for this article would be people in high school or in elementary school. The article is not bias and it makes some very strong points.

    1. 1st Sentence is the same as the 2nd just wordy differently.

    2. Don't use first person in your bibliography

    3. Include a cause and effect relationship into your summary

    4. I noticed a few grammar errors that you may want to fix.

    5. grammar, as tommy said ^

    6. Your first sentence is a cs. You can put a period between COLLEAGUE and ITS, or use the other methods we learned in class.

    7. From the weaknesses in the article, how would you fix them?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sex Roles. Nov2012, Vol. 67 Issue 9/10, p494-502. 9p. 3 Charts.

    Gossip is said to be related to friendship because it can increase the bond between people due to the sense of belonging to a group where people can relate to each other. But is the relationship between gossip and friendship true for both males and females? This article talks about how the relationship is true for most males and not for females. The author, David Watson, supports his information using statistics from gossip and friendship questionnaires. While males gossip about each others’ achievements and status, females were said to gossip about physical appearance and that it was more prevalent, so gossip was not related to females’ friendships. This article is strong because it gives statistics from the surveys mentioned to support its main idea. This article is also weak, due to its lack of a variety of examples. This article seems to be best suited for college students or adults because of the author’s tone and use of language. This is a scholarly article and was a bit confusing. Overall, the article does a good job at conveying the main idea by explaining the statistics.

    1. you should not start a sentence with but

    2. Try to include a cause and effect from the passage into your summary

    3. Perhaps you could split this into multiple paragraphs. Also, is the question in the beginning necessary?

    4. don't use a question

    5. Maybe instead of giving examples, you could give an overall of the groups.

    6. In your second to last sentence you could combine that with the pervious one because they are basically saying the same idea on how it is for more advanced readers.

  11. Hardy, John. "Read All About It!." New Scientist 211.2822 (2011): 22-23. Academic Search Elite. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    The main idea of this article is that there is a connection between the evolution of our brains and our need for gossip. It says that a specific part of our brain is responsible for our desire for gossip. The article says gossip is mostly caused because we want to know relationship details. People want to know what is going on and who is with what other person. Even though gossip is frowned upon in most instances, this would explain to an extent why we cannot stop gossiping.

    The article is trying to explain why we cannot stop gossiping using a certain part of our brain to explain why. The intended audience is most likely professors because the article sounds advanced for most readers. A couple major weaknesses are in the article. First, the author didn’t go into detail on why the large cerebral cortex is responsible for gossip. Also, the author only touched on one kind of gossip; relationship gossip. Overall, it needed more detail.

    1. The analysis is a little long

    2. who are the people the article is referring (fourth sentence)?

    3. Some of the ideas (like in the fourth sentence) were a little hard to understand. Could you go back and try to reword them?

    4. The analysis should be shorter than the summary

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Did the article have any strengths or was it biased?

    7. Try not to use first person

  12. Situngkir, Hokky. "Spread of Hoax in Social Media." A Report on Empricial Case (2011): n. pag. Spread of Hoax in Social Media. 4 May 2011. Web.

    The main idea of this article is to show the effects of gossip in social media. Gossip is one of the most popular forms of communicating with other people. It’s a part of society key in shaping human evolution. Social media can be the biggest spread of gossip. There was a test to prove this in Indonesia on twitter. A group of people created a hoax about a public figure, and looked at the number of retweets it got over a period of time, as well as tweeting it again at certain periods. Each time someone retweeted it, their followers would retweet it, until it was very well known. A provided graph shows that by the 8th round of tweeting the hoax, people began to find the truth and stopped retweeting it, and thus it was confirmed to be untrue. This was an extremely interesting article to read. Not only do they show how hoaxes and gossip go around the internet, they also show graphs and other models to show the spread and show the popularity of this. Overall, this was a very good article to read.

    1. What was the gossip that was retweeted? It was unclear

    2. you should not say the main idea is

    3. Sounds like an analysis in the first sentence

    4. Add a cause and effect to your summary and clarify some of your examples.

    5. Perhaps you could split this into multiple paragraphs? The article sounds interesting, but it was a little difficult to catch the main idea in one clump of words.

    6. Try to make it more clear

    7. who was the intended audience?

    8. Was there any weaknesses or strengths?

    9. Was the article biased in any way?

  13. West, Emily. "Bullying, Gossip, Lack of Respect Often Causes of Teen Suicide." Aberdeen American News. N.p., 06 Jan. 2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    In this article, "Bullying, Gossip, Lack of Respect Often Causes of Teen Suicide,"the author talks about gossip in relation to teen suicide. High school suicides have been becoming more and more prevalent today. Social media sites attract unnecessary gossip that lead to these teen suicides. The increasing numbers in suicide also has many effects on todays society. In schools and universities people are being viewed differently. Students are supposed to fit in instead of stand out due to good qualities and intelligence. Today, society views intelligence has a bad thing rather than good. These things in school situations commonly lead to bullying. Bullying and rumors are a leading cause of suicides. Gossip happens everywhere around us and for no reason at all. This source would be great for someone studying causes of suicides. For more in depth of why people gossip another article might be better. The article was not bias and brought up several good points about bullying in today's society.

    1. There should be a space between the quotations around the title and "the".

    2. the 7th sentence is a little confusing

    3. separate your summary from your annotation

    4. Because the MLA and Title is shown at the top, I don't think it is necessary to have the beginning restate the article's title.

    5. You could combine sentence 7 and 8 for a smoother connection between the two.

    6. Change "has" to "as" in the sentence "Today, society views intelligence has a bad thing rather than good." And explain why society would view intelligence as bad.

    7. Explain why the article wasn't bias

  14. Cosmopolitan. Nov2010, Vol. 249 Issue 5, p176-178. 3p.

    This article talks about how a person can deal with rumors that have been spread about them. At the beginning of this article it talks about a story in which a rumor was spread about someone and how they dealt with it. In the story a girl has a rumor spread about her that she has an STD causing her boyfriend to want to leave her. After the story the article talks about why people choose to gossip. Then the article talks about how a person can deal with these rumors and ways to avoid rumors getting started in the first place. The article also talks about different forms of gossip such as online and person to person. This article is very unique in the sense that it tells some stories about people who have been affected by gossip and rumors. The intended audience of this article is teenagers. This article doesn't really talk about finding out if people are gossiping about you as the title suggests. It talks more about how to handle gossip that is being spread about you.

    1. This doesn't really flow like it's a little hard to read

    2. 'spread about' that is confusing

    3. separate your analysis from your summary

    4. Don't use specific examples; use a category instead.

    5. The second and third sentences seem to repeating the same idea.

    6. was the article biased?

    7. Add more to your analysis.

    8. You seem to be listing what the author is writing about. You could fix this by making your sentences flow easier.

    9. To make it flow better try and use more transitions

  15. Watson, David. "Gender Differences in Gossip and Friendship - Springer."Gender Differences in Gossip and Friendship - Springer. N.p., 01 Nov. 2012. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    Gossip can bring more people together and increase the friendship between people. However, the connection that gender has between gossip and friendship was unknown. A modern study used the Friendship questionnaire and Tendency to Gossip questionnaire on 167 female and 69 male Western Canadian undergraduate University students to find any gender differences between the two. Relationship between gossip and friendship was predicted to be stronger in males than in females. Friendship had a connection with gossip tendency in males, but not in females, which may be related to males attaining status. Gossip related to the physical appearance of people was found more in female, but did not share a connection with friendship quality. Achievement related gossip had a connection with male friendship quality. These results find connections between gossip and friendship based on gender.

    This article talks about what the role of gender is (before the surveys were made) between gossip and friendship was unknown. This article could have provided more detailed examples for both genders based on the results, and could have put more examples related to females. There was only one example related to females. It could have been more insightful when talking about how gender was related with the different examples. Also the article lacks a conclusion. It could have also talked about how gender is related besides these examples. This article is directed towards the audiences of people who study gossip and people who want to know how gender can correlate.

    1. your anillisis should be a bit shorter

    2. The intended audience portion of your analysis can be shortened helping your bibliography shorten.

    3. It would also shorten your article if you used a large category in place of the specific examples.

    4. Woah! Is it me, or does this seem like more than 170 words? You may want to shorten it down a little.

    5. this should be shorter

    6. remember to put examples under one broad category

  16. Goguen, David. "When Does Gossip Cross the Legal Line?" Injured. N.p., 21 Apr. 2009. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    Most gossip is legal, but there is a line that can be crossed. When a person states their opinion online, it’s not legal because it’s their own opinion. But, if a person says something on the internet that can be proven wrong about someone else, then they can be responsible for damaging someone's reputation. When a person damages someone’s reputation, its hard for everyone, but it is especially hard for famous people because their reputation means everything. When someone gossip about someone else verbally and not over the internet, it is very hard to legalize it, because they don’t have it on a screen to see it and most of the time these are against people who have money.

    This articles is not biased. A weakness that this article has is that it doesn't give any examples of when someone gossiped illegally. This article is mostly intended for people who are reading about law things and also for teenagers so they can see the other side of gossiping and to make sure they keep it legal.

    1. you should not say it is not legal but illegal.

    2. Try to add a cause and effect you found in your article.

    3. "When a person states their opinion online, it's not legal because it's their own opinion?" That doesn't make sense...

    4. maybe explain why it is not biased

    5. What are the consequences of damaging a person's reputation?

  17. Wills, Garry. "Rome's Gossip Columnist: When The First-Century Poet Martial Turned His Gossip Stylus On You, You Got The Point."American Scholar 77.2 (2008): 68-76. Academic Search Elite. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

    This article from American Scholar gives an insight to gossip way back in time to Ancient Rome. Gossip is abundant today, but in Ancient Rome, not so much. The article tells about Martial, a man from Spain who came to Rome for fame and fortune. He was the first true gossip columnist. Martial’s work is very cruel and harsh, and gives unethical descriptions of other romans. Some entries were even aimed at specific people, which is highly frowned upon today. The article mainly gives examples of the gossip, such as gossip about romans like Cato, Linus, Sabidius, Archilochus, and Brutus. One example of Martial’s work is about how people read his work to be in fashion, proving that even in Ancient Rome, gossip was a huge part of society. The article’s main idea is that even Ancient Rome had gossip, and it was what led up to gossip in the world today. Martial was truly the first publisher of gossip, but even without him, the world of gossip would exist, for the fact that Gossip is a necessity in our daily lives.

    This article is a good article, and one that deserves to be recommended. Although the intended audience is college students and originally for Phi Beta Kappa members, anyone can read this. Whether it is for a study on gossip, or for light reading purposes, this article is good. The article is mostly examples of Martial’s work, so there is no bias and not really any weaknesses. The article is entertaining with some interesting excerpts of Martial’s work, but this made it a fun article to read. No matter what you do with this article, it is a good one and one that is especially good for witty responses courtesy of Martial.

    1. your analysis is a little long

    2. Your summary and analysis should be less than 170 characters. Try to use less examples throughout to shorten it.

    3. Using categories should help you shorten it.

    4. It sounds like a great article! But in the analysis, is the second-person perspective necessary?

    5. Maybe (if it is mentioned) you could explain why or how Martial's gossip would influence modern gossip. Also explain how gossip can still exist without Martial.

    6. remember to put examples under one broad category

  18. Copland Steve. “ Teens give it up for Gossip Girl”. E! Online.Steve Copland, 23.Web.24 Nov.2014.

    This article touches on how teens will risk and are willing to give up a lot for gossip. Teen agers and young adults are the most common today to be the ones to Gossip. This article goes into detail on how adolescents are not being as careful as they should when in it comes to gossip. Adolescents are risking their friends trust, by gossiping about their friends or their friends secrets. Also gossiping is risking the adolescents trustworthiness. For someone who gossips is not a trustworthy person. This is a lot to risk just for the temporarily feeling of being in the loop or belonging. Which is why people actually gossip in the first place to make themselves belong and to make themselves feel better if they feel insecure or below another person. However is gossiping really worth all those risks and is it really worth gossiping a tall? That is a question many teens should think about before gossiping, which could lead to them not being trusted, or being angered at a sad price to pay for a little gossip shared. In the big scheme of life relationships and trustworthiness will be more important than sharing gossip about others.

    1. Teenagers should be one word. Also friends should be friend's because it is possessive.

    2. there is not much of an annylisis

    3. To make the analysis longer, you should add weaknesses, biases, and the intended audience.

    4. Add an analysis, and specifically mention biases.

    5. It seemed kinda crammed together. Perhaps you could split it into multiple paragraphs, or add some more conjunctions?

    6. remember to include the strengths and weaknesses of the article

  19. Bell, Brittany. "Gossip through the Ages." Psychology in the News. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    Gossip has been around since the age of apes and neanderthals. Although it started as grooming for friendship and language for strategy in hunting, modern day humans no longer need these activities as necessary for survival. However, there is still instinct of humans having to know what is going on around them, and that trait is what creates modern day gossip. Although modern day humans may not use this trait for survival, it is still a trait that is used. Even more, this has extended into technology and the internet, where social media websites have people talk and gossip to each other.

    This passage may not contain a ton of information, but it is helpful enough, and has some good examples of how gossip originated, and how it works now.

    1. I know this is really short. There was not a lot of information, and I could barely reach the 150-character mark with the MLA format.

    2. you could more of an analysis

    3. explain a cause and effect relationship in you summary. As well as adding the intended age group to your annotation

    4. Add more to the analysis.

    5. was the article biased?

    6. make your analysis longer

  20. Anthes, Emily. "Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist."
    Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. Psychologytoday, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    For most people being a good gossip is a struggle,The article “How to be a Good Gossip” explains several simple ways to succeed as a gossiper. There are many tactics to becoming a strong gossip. Thinking positive and gossiping positive can make others enjoy gossiping with you. While gossiping you have to remember to protect yourself and others, you wouldn’t want something bad you said to end up online. You must always pay attention to what you’re gossiping about, Making sure you don’t say something you shouldn’t and also knowing what others are gossiping about can let you in on some really good stories. Lastly always remember to communicate proactively, if you don’t gossip you’ll most likely to be a frequent target of gossip . Author Emily Anthes does a fine job explaining how to be a good gossip, she also gives good examples of being a good gossip. The intended audience for this article are office workers in search to become good gossips.

    1. 'being a good gossip' that is a confusing phrase

    2. separate your annotation from your summary.

    3. Are there any weaknesses or biases?

    4. The analysis is a bit short. Try adding any weaknesses (if there are any).

    5. A couple of grammar errors in there. Perhaps looking back at it and taking another check could help.

    6. does the article have any weaknesses?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Gossip."Http:// Rogers Publishing, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    The article mainly states that although many say that bullying causes teen suicide, but it is not the case. The article is about a student who committed suicide at a high school. Many of the faculty and people outside the school believed that the student had committed suicide because they were bullied, as this ¨knowledge¨ had become a standard assumption whenever they learned a teen committed suicide. However this was not the case. According to many students in the school, the student who committed suicide had been having a lot of problems. They weren’t being bullied at all. Judging from one of the students responses ¨if you think he committed suicide because he was bullied then you didn’t know him at all.¨ it can be inferred that this student was most likely popular, and this further goes against the original ¨theory¨.

    In this text, there is no bias whatsoever. This is because it is just stating facts. The majority of the article is about how a student committed suicide and everyone thought they did this because they were being bullied. However, the underlying message is that bullying doesn’t cause suicide. The text is informative, but it is also somewhat persuasive at the same time. It seems to have been written for quite a general audience. This is because the level of vocabulary is quite average. It isn’t below normal, but it isn’t outrageously advanced either.

    1. Is this an article from the five we could have chosen?

    2. you repeat yourself a cuple of times

    3. don't include a link in your citation

    4. Does the article have anymore strengths besides being persuasive?

    5. You have to find a new article, not one of the ones he gave us

    6. Maybe you pasted in the wrong article?

    7. a small punctuation error in sentence 7

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Gluckman, Max. "Papers in Honor of Melville J. Herskovits: Gossip and Scandal." Current
    Anthropology 4.3 (1963): 307. Web.

    Gossip was never scientifically explained until it was approached by scientists concerned with how it affected human culture. Gossip and scandal in small groups of people is both usually enjoyed and usually exclusive. This means that in social circumstance gossip is less likely to occur in reference to a gossipee that the gossiper can’t relate to. On top of that gossip is even more likely to happen in a small group situation. Gossip is also not something that brings a group of people together although it temporarily brings people to common ground it frequently causes disagreement, dislike, and discontent, in small groups of people.
    The article is thorough, it addresses important parts of gossip in small groups. It is strong in its lack of bias and it avoids using third person. The article is appropriately detailed but it is long barring the fact that the topic requires an in-depth explanation.

    1. I believe it's only supposed to be one long paragraph, not one for the summary and one for the annotation.

    2. who is the intended audience

    3. explain a cause and effect relationship that appeared in the article.

    4. Does the article have any weaknesses?

    5. who is the intended audience

    6. what can this article be used for?

    7. "Gossip is also not something that brings a group of people together although it temporarily brings people to common ground it frequently causes disagreement, dislike, and discontent, in small groups of people." This seems a little bit confusing. Could you try to reword it?

  25. Doyle, Martha. "Project MUSE - Drama Is the Cure for Gossip: Television's Turn to Theatricality in a Time of Media Transition."Project MUSE - Drama Is the Cure for Gossip:Television's Turn to Theatricality in a Time of Media Transition. Modern Drama, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2014.

    Gossip can ruin lives and friendship, the movie Gossip Girl tells us that drama can be a cure for gossip. Also not just this movie helps, but other movies that show characters that are sure, strong, and proud of their opinions. That gives our generation of kids a boost, and to tell them that it is ok to be different to not be afraid of who you are. In the article they said other shows that are doing this, so that means that there are other shows that are noticing that our generation is self conscious, and make shows that are aimed at them. The reason that those shows are good for teens that are self conscious is that the characters show so much pride and they’re not afraid of who they are and who they wanna be, for that the teens can be like them and that could be a cure for gossip, because teens who watch the show are relieved that there is a show out there for them so they stop gossiping because in the shows they say it’s wrong. Not only does is help teens to be themselves but it helps them not to gossip. An example would be that the characters in these shows are not afraid to express their feelings, their dancing, jumping around.

    1. Is this just the Gossip Girl article?

    2. This seems to be just the Gossip Girl article, you need to choose a different article.

    3. I agree with Harry and Alex as well. Also, does this article have any strengths or weaknesses?

    4. dont use any examples

    5. separate the analysis from the summary.

    6. This is the Gossip Girl article, and Gossip Girl is a show not a movie. Are you also referring to movies when you say "but other movies that show characters that are sure, strong, and proud of their opinions."

    7. This shouldn't be the gossip girl article

    8. remember to include the analysis of this article

    9. Perhaps you could separate this into multiple paragraphs?

  26. "Ainge on Rondo Trade Rumors: 'Very Credible People Have Made Things Up'" The New York Times, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.

    This article about Trade rumors and sports has always had the most juicy information and an impact on that certain team or player. For example, sports like basketball there are a lot of rumors around saying people will be traded to a different team or someone might retire. In the article, Danny Ainge says he is “tired of the Rajon Rondo trade questions.” Ainge has gotten many reporters coming up to him and asking him about Rondo and what his future is going to look like with the Celtics. Also, in the article it says Ainge downplayed the rumor suggesting Rondo might want out of town. Many people think about these trade rumours and do not know what to believe in. Therefore, many could see Rondo having a long term relationship with the Celtics or going to a different team with a new lifestyle and area. The unique features throughout the article is Ainge gives multiple reasons why Rondo will have a long term relationship with the Celtics and will not leave till next summer. He also explains that Rondo is in his growing stage, and learning on how to become the team leader.

    The intended audience for this article is people that have a strong passion for sports or the Celtics team in general. The article’s intended audience would be this because many fans see how Rondo is in the stage of developing and becoming a new team leader. Also, in the article it reveals how hard Rondo works with the team to improve on their skill level and the NBA Cares program. One strength this article gives is a cause and effect relationship. For example, Ainge talks about how Rondo will have a long term with the Celtics, but fans see it as a different angle for Rondo. Another strength this article has is Danny Ainge really goes in depth with how Rondo can improve on a team leader and on his skill level as well. One weakness to this article is there was no point of view from what the coach or what his teammates thought of this idea or rumor. In addition, a second weakness would be saying how Danny Ainge is tired of all the trade rumors. Instead of coming out and saying it, he could have explained it throughout the article.

    1. This annotation seems too long. You may want to put things in more broad categories and not go into too much detail.

    2. you say the intended audience twice

    3. this does seem a little long

    4. Shorter summary.

    5. remember to put examples into one broad category

    6. it has to be between 130-170 words

    7. You might want to explain more on who the people are and what people have been gossiping about them. Crazy as it sounds, I don't know a lot of people in sports!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The summary needs to be shorter. No greater than 170 characters.
